Daily Archives: February 15, 2018

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Technology Makes Billions To a Few, Why Can’t Few Bucks to The Billions

The actual wordings of Leila Jana may be different from the title of this blog post. But if you can understand what the underlying sensibility is there, I am almost done.

Yes,  I am talking about Samasource and its founder Leila Jana. Read this excerpts from wikipedia: 

In 2008, Janah launched Samasource (then called Market for Change), an idea that was inspired by her time spent in Africa and her experience managing a call center in Mumbai.[5] Samasource is a not-for-profit business with the mission to reduce global poverty by giving dignified online work to people living in poverty. Samasource uses an internet based model called microwork to break down large digital projects into smaller, easily trainable tasks for workers to complete at delivery centers. Samasource offers five services, including machine learning, data verification and image annotation.[8] As of August, 2016, Samasource reports that it has impacted 32,265 people, which includes both direct Samasource workers and their dependents.[9] Samasource also reports that their workers increase their income by 3.7x over the course of four years.[9]

Janah got the capital to start Samasource from winning $14,000 in a business-plan competition at Stanford.[3] She raised an additional $30,000 in a European business plan competition.[3] In 2009, Samasource was selected to participate in fbFund, a $10m seed fund to support developers and entrepreneurs.[5] Janah got her first contract for Samasource with a company called Benetech, a non-profit social enterprise that provides technology solutions.[10] Samasource has been named one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Companies”[5]and counts WalmartGoogle and eBay among its clients.

Details here:

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samasource 



4. Leila speaking at TEDx: Youtube Video

5. Leila’s Interview with Roxxane Varza published at Medium